Margin Trading Updates

Brought to you by The Gimp

December 8, 2021

We would like to thank you for your feedback regarding the Sovryn dapp, primarily margin trading. Many community members take the time to give feedback to Sovryn Contributors via our Social Channels, and for this we are grateful. Your feedback allows us to continually improve Sovryn, both in technical implementation and the front-end, meaning everything you need as a Sovryn individual is delivered and efficient.

Resulting from the latest feedback from community members, a series of improvements have been delivered today including the following:

Margin Trade Improvements

From community feedback, the following updates have been made to the Sovryn dapp:

  • Updated the formula for calculating a position’s margin
  • New figure - Current margin as a percentage of position in the margin column
  • New figure - Unrealised P/L as a percentage between current price and entry price
  • New figure - The estimated exit amount in both position and collateral assets
  • New tooltip - Explainer popovers to position margin and unrealised P/L table headings
  • Fix - The tx status dialogue now always shows when a position is being closed
  • Fix - Disabled closing or adding to margin when the current margin is 0

Lend Pool Reward SOV Fix

Additionally, users noticed that some lending pools displayed Reward SOV drops incorrectly. For example, a user had accrued Reward SOV for other liquidity-mining enabled pools, and rewards appeared for non-LM enabled pools such as the RBTC pool.

  • Bug fix - A failed call to liquidityMiningProxy.getPoolId(), which used the default value of 0, caused the Reward SOV value to retrieve to another pool).

Other Improvements

What’s Next?

Sovryn will be pushing another round of updates next week. This will include updating AMM pool addresses, loan token logic refactoring, improving fee-sharing logic and more. Full details of all changes will be published next week- please note that the dapp will enter maintenance mode during the upgrades.

Stay Sovryn

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